STI Innsbruck, University of Innsbruck
The University of Innsbruck was established in 1669 and is the largest education facility in the Austrian state of Tyrol. The Semantic Technology Institute (STI) Innsbruck is a research institute working on the Semantic Web, Semantic Web Services and Service-Oriented Architectures. Starting as a research group under the guidance of Prof. Dieter Fensel in 2002, it was turned into a research institute at the University of Innsbruck in January of 2006. STI Innsbruck is currently involved in a number of FP6 and FP7 EU projects related to the Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services such as ACTIVE, COIN, Insemtives, LarKC, Musing, Salero, SEALS, Service Web 3.0, Shape and SOA4All.
STI Innsbruck is a founding member of STI International, a cross-institutional, not-for-profit organization that brings together more than forty partners, covering academia and industry, with an interest in semantic technologies. STI Innsbruck is also heavily involved in standardization activities associated with semantic technologies, in particular W3C and OASIS.