Jožef Stefan Institute

Institute Jozef Stefan (JSI) is the central research institution for natural sciences in Slovenia. It consists of over 900 researchers within 25 departments. The Department of Knowledge Technologies is one of the largest European research groups working in the areas of machine learning and data mining. It has approximately 50 researchers covering different aspects of data analysis with special emphasis on textual data, social networks, complex data visualization, cross modal analysis, temporal data, scalability of approaches, as well as on deployability of research results in real world environments.

In recent years the research shifted towards semantic technologies, where the main goal is to combine modern statistical data analytic techniques with more traditional logic based knowledge representations and reasoning techniques. The department developed several software tools, among others: Text-Garden suite of text mining tools, OntoGen system for ontology learning, Document-Atlas for complex data visualization. The department is involved in many FP6 and FP7 projects most prominent being from the three areas: Semantic & Knowledge Technologies (FP6 SEKT-IP, FP6 NEON-IP, FP6 ALVIS-STREP, FP6 TAO-STREP, FP7 ACTIVE-IP, FP7 EURIDICE-IP), KM for Networked Organizations (FP6 ECOLEAD-IP, FP6 E4-STREP, FP7 COIN-IP), and Cognitive Systems (FP6 PASCAL-NoE, FP6 SMART-STREP, FP7 PASCAL2-NoE).
