Archive for October, 2010

Oct 25 2010

RENDER Project Kick-Off

Published by at 07:42 under News,Project News

After the official project start on October 1, 2010, the RENDER consortium meets for the first time in Karlsruhe to kick-off an endeavor that will unite excellence in diversity.

Reflecting the knowledge diversity on the Web is the big objective, and to mitigate the project internal diversities at a very early stage, the seven RENDER partners meet from October 27-28 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) to reflect on the mission, vision and approach of the project, and to discuss the internal management structures and strategies of the consortium. The agenda of the kick-off meeting is completed with a number of tutorials on key technologies, and of course with a first social event in order to overcome the human side of diversity too.

The RENDER consortium is looking forward to working in a challenging and exciting environment for the next three years, and we welcome all our readers to join in and share with us the upcoming experience of uniting in diversity!

Welcome to RENDER!

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